Hi everyone Aaron now for Zollotech and theiphone 12 pro is probably the best phone for most people in 2021 if you crave everything apple hasto offer and so i’m going to talk about the rate durability and maybe if you should wait for aniphone 13 and even more and the first thing is a quick note this video is in hdr so if you’re usingan iphone that won’t be a problem if you’re using the youtube app however if you’re on a computerand you’re using chrome you’ll need to switch to maybe firefox or safari as it won’t displayhdr properly and this video will glance blown out as opposed to super high-pitched resolving with hdrnow the first thing is the price this phone i think is the right price if you want all of thosefeatures like i said because it comes in at 9.99 gives you 128 gigs of storage or doubled that ofwhat you get with the 12 simulate with the base premium and also gives you six gigs of ram a stainlesssteel pattern and even an extra camera so you get a lot of value for that extra 150 over the 12 and ifit was me and money is not an option i would pick the 12 pro over the 12 exactly due to the overallconstruction that may not be for everyone but i really like this stainless steel edge and speakingof the edge the soundnes has been pretty good these are known to scratch exclusively if youhave the silver-tongued version with this specific blue-blooded complexion it truly hasn’t scratched very much there’sno editions there there’s no scratches on the back the cameras have no scratches whatsoever so you’llsee there’s no scratches on now at all and the delightful thing is there’s no scratches on the displayand to be fair i haven’t applied this full time as my prime telephone all of the time but compared to what ihad last year with the eleven pro this has held up tremendously well it’s much better than what ihad last year and it has far less scratches so not only is it more durable to droops it seems tobe more durable to scratchings as well so durability shrewd i think it’s great now the overall displaythe presentation looks great we’re in radiant sunlight right now outdoors and you’ll see it’s turned allthe action up it has a regular brightness of 800 nits 1200 nits with hdr video and with this videohopefully you can see that hdr quality on your telephone going back to an iphone 10 for example orsome computers as well so the presentation looks great has great viewing tilts now for countless beings pwmcould be a concern since this is an oled flaunt nonetheless in my own experience the expose has ahigh enough pwm rate or pulse width modulation frequency to govern brightness that it’s not really anissue so whether you’re at a lower brightness or a higher brightness it doesn’t seem to be an issuewhatsoever it doesn’t really bother my looks and i really wouldn’t be concerned too much about it ifthat’s something that you’re worried about as this one doesn’t seem to bother my eyes compared tosay an iphone 10 or 10 s it went much better with the 11 and i would say it’s even better with the1 2. Only those that are most sensitive to it will have most problems linked to say nose tighten but if youcan see higher formulate charges and this bothers you this is a much better display than previousyears now the speakers on the iphone 12 pro are great you’ve got one on the top one on thebottom just like countless iphones from previous eras and they seem neat and loud and clear so ifwe go to one of my youtube videos and smacked frolic i’ll turn it up now and thenlet you take a listen to it and so the speakers are nice and loud they’re onlya little muted that may be the highest volumes and you heard that from the back of the iphone 12 pro and so i’m actually recording this video with an iphone 12 pro if i spin this around here hitrecord i’m recording with the iphone 12 pro that you can see here and an external microphone andso the quality is just top notch you can use this as your main youtube camera no problem just like iam you could use it regularly as long as you have good beacon and so let’s stop that and as you cansee well we’ll go back into the camera you can see like i said i’m recording the video in hdr at 4k30 since it won’t let me time 4k 60 on youtube with hdr with the export for some reason so you can seewe can record through this we’ve got ultrawide of course regular and then zoom the zoom is okayi wouldn’t say it’s much of a reason to go buy one over what you have with say an iphone 11 butit’s pretty good in general and so if we zoom in a little bit you can see that it’s fairly clear buti wouldn’t run out and buy it just for that camera but overall the cameras are remarkable like isaid you’re seeing what it can do right now in hdr in full auto not really doing anything otherthan thumping record now moved and accomplishment is stupendous “youve never” certainly notice a slowdown ithas good ram handling for example so if i go into call of duty this has been laden the entiretime and it lost the connection but it’s been laded the part occasion so it has to reconnectbut i’m just opening this for the first time while recording the video to give you an ideaof what it can do so render it just a moment here you’ll see it’s lading nice and fastand i don’t have to worry about it welcome back and we’re back in so now we’re backin it wreaks punishment if i want to switch back out go back home maybe go back to youtube it openswithout reloading so that six gigs of ram certainly makes a difference and overallspeed and recital is great like i said swapping back to the camera switching back to sayyoutube switching back to call of duty no problems whether that be call of duty among us minecraft orwhatever your favorite competition is it will work fine now as far as overall acknowledgment you cansee i have pretty good reception now four or five bars or three to four saloons of 5gand those hurryings are quite good will vary depending on your carrier so you’ll participate my carrier now t-mobile 5gi don’ t have millimeter brandish so this millimeter waving feeler is kind of useless at this phase buti think it’s pretty useless in general for most people since you really don’t have millimeterwave in the majority cities so if i going to see hurried evaluation so now i’ll go ahead and open speed evaluation we’llhit go wait for it to connect and you can see i’m on the ultra wide camera i just wanted to show youwhat that looks like with hdr and you’ll realize we’re getting about well it’s only going up to about3 0 to 40 at most with the download speed exerting 5g and it certainly depends where you’re at whetheror not this is a benefit for you 4g can be faster in some areas and you have the option to switch tothat accompany what upload is and right now we’re only coming about six to seven megabits per secondupload so 5g is not really a reason to go out and buy this phone but i would say that it’s a benefitfor the future as hurries increase and things like that over epoch so it’s not really something thatyou need to use regularly or it’s not a reason to use it the committee is also exercises a little bit more power thannormal so battery life on this phone is actually quite good most people that i’ve talked to saythey get six to seven hours of screen on time maybe easily getting through a epoch at about4 0 or 30 percent left no problems there so if we go into the defines and you can seethe battery drain over go if we go down to battery and battery state artillery health onthis phone is going to be a hundred percent because i haven’t expended it full epoch but generallyit’s going to be pretty good over time without a problem in fact some people i know that use thesefull-time be the iphone 12 or 12 pro for example say that they can easily get through two dayswith this phone so it certainly depends on your its utilization and the nice thing is you do have fast chargingyou have 15 watt fast blaming with magsafe or that’s wireless or you can do 7.5 on a normalqi compatible charger or you have about 50 of a charge in 30 minutes abusing the 20 watt adapteryou do have to run out and buy that separately if you don’t already have it so that’s somethingthat’s kind of a anguish but that heads me to should you wait for iphone 13 and the reason i say thatis we expect a variable freshen proportion presentation 120 hertz pro motion display perhaps up to 240 which would see scrolling super smooth compared to even what it is now while iphone is known to befairly smooth to begin with while you’re scrolling through things it could just be that much smootherthere’s also rumors that the camera could get much better so even though the camera is great it hasgood low light as well it could get even better in the future of course you have future updatesto consider as well but iphone 12 pro should get updates for at least the next five years maybe sixdepending on what they do let’s say the iphone 6s plus so i would say if you have an iphone 11 proor an iphone 11 at this point i would hold out to iphone 13 or 12 s or whatever they decide to callit if you have maybe an iphone 7 or an iphone 8 then sure this is a phone to surely run outand upgrade to specially if you can get a deal with your carrier so i think you’ll really likeit and one thing i peculiarly like about this is the squared off borders i think it induces iteasier to hold feels a little bit more premium and protects that screen a little more sinceit’s set down into the chassis so it’s definitely something i highly recommend specially if youhave an older iphone or maybe an android phone and you want to switch to it so this is somethingi most recommend to most people let me know what you think of the 12 pro if you picked one up maybeyou went for the 12 pro max the 12 pro max is my phone worded principally but that’s because it’s a largephone in my hands are very big if i didn’t have massive hands i was really considering going withthe 12 pro this year because it simply feels like the excellent sizing to me but let me know what youthink about it in the comments below of course if you’d like to get your hands on this wallpaperi’ll tie it in the description oh and also if you’d like to see more of these hdr videos moreoutdoor videos let me know what you think of them in the comments below if you haven’t subscribedalready though satisfy subscribe and if you enjoyed the video please give it a like as ever thanksfor watching this is Aaron i’ll see you next time
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